Atlas Image mosaic, covering
11.0´ × 16.8´ on the sky, of NGC 205 (Messier 110), a
dwarf elliptical companion of the giant spiral Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31;
M31), in the
Local Group of galaxies. NGC 205 is peculiar in that evidence exists for
recent star formation in what nominally should be a galaxy composed of old
stars. The evidence is in the form of centrally-concentrated bright early
type stars, neutral and molecular gas, and dust, much of it in clouds and some
of it very cold (Haas 1998, A&A, 337, L1). From HST imaging,
Cappellari et al. (1999, ApJ, 515, L17) determined that
the quite modest star formation episode occurred over the last 100 million
years; Welch, Sage, & Mitchell (1998, ApJ, 499, 209) found that it ended
only a few million yr ago. Where the star-forming gas originally came from
is a mystery, possibly from interaction with M31 or from the environment of
the M31 system. Image mosaic by S. Van Dyk (IPAC). These data are included
in the Second Incremental Release!
Atlas Image mosaic, covering
15.3´ × 17´ on the sky, of IRAS 20306+4005, an object
in the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) catalog of sources. Little is
known about this object, but it appears to be a region of current massive star
formation in the Galactic plane and near the Cygnus 0B2 stellar association.
This is the first known near-infrared image of this source. Infrared-bright
filaments of gas surround a young cluster of stars and young stellar objects
still embedded in their natal dusty molecular cloud.
A large patch of heavily-obscuring dust is seen to the
north of the nebula. 2MASS is ideal for investigating the nature of many IRAS
objects and other very young star-forming regions throughout the Galaxy.
Image mosaic by S. Van Dyk (IPAC). These data are included in the Second
Incremental Release!
Atlas Image mosaic, covering
7´ × 7´ on the sky, of a small, stellar cluster in the
constellation Cygnus, consisting of the optically-bright Herbig Be star
BD +40° 4124 (V1685 Cygni=MWC 340; center of image), V1686 Cyg
Atlas Image mosaic, covering
14.3´ × 14.3´ on the sky, of the Tarantula, or 30 Doradus,
Nebula (also known as NGC 2070). This nebula, in the Large Magellanic Cloud,
is the closest example to us of a giant ionized hydrogen (H II) region,
covering several hundred parsecs in diameter. The closest analog in our
Milky Way Galaxy is the H II region NGC 3603.
Clusters of hundreds of young, massive O and B stars, particularly the
dense central "super star" cluster, R136, provide the
ultraviolet photons which ionize and photoevaporate the large filamentary
cloud. A number of
other stellar populations, including red supergiants and Wolf-Rayet stars,
coexist in 30 Doradus. Detailed studies in the optical of the nebula and its
stellar contents shows a complex history of recent star formation. In the
near-infrared, Rubio et al. (1998, AJ, 116, 1708) point out that
pre-main-sequence objects are also found, particularly along the
Ks-bright molecular hydrogen (H2) line-emitting
filaments in the nebula's periphery, which can be seen in the 2MASS image.
What emerges is a scenario
of new generations of stars triggered by the energy input from the massive
stellar clusters, which is likely a characteristic picture for star-forming
regions of this scale in galaxies.
Image mosaic by E. Kopan (IPAC).
These data are included in the Second Incremental Release!
Atlas Image mosaic, covering
9.2´ × 9.2´ on the sky, of the Sombrero, Messier 104
The galaxy derives its nickname from its appearance, as a nearly edge-on
disk system with a "rim" of dark, obscuring dust. The "rim" are the dust
lanes within the disk of this early-type spiral galaxy, which are still
particularly visible, even in this 2MASS near-infrared image. As is true
for other spiral galaxies as seen by 2MASS, the overall apparent structure
of the galaxy is much smoother in the near-infrared than in the optical.
M104 shows an extended halo of emission above and below the plane of the
galaxy's disk. The faint, purplish "stars" emanating both due north and
due south of the galaxy's nucleus are known persistence artifacts.
Image mosaic by S. Van Dyk (IPAC).
These data are included in the Second Incremental Release!
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224; southeast of center), and V1318 Cyg (LkH
225; just east of V1686 Cyg). Herbig Ae/Be stars are
young, intermediate-mass stars exhibiting mass loss, as seen from their
optical line emission. This stellar group is about 1 kpc (3260 light years)
from us, along the Cygnus spiral arm. V1686 Cyg and V1318 Cyg are also
optical emission-line objects. V1318 Cyg, as seen in the 2MASS image, is
actually two objects; Aspen, Sandell, & Weintraub (1994, A&A, 282, L25) suggest
that the pair form a possibly-interacting binary of pre-main-sequence
objects. A water maser source and bipolar molecular outflow are associated
with V1318 Cyg (Palla et al. 1995, A&A, 293, 521).
Many more highly-embedded objects are seen around this
group of stars, which can be seen to be surrounded by infrared-bright
nebulosity; the cluster of objects shows both a significant spread in stellar
mass (both low and high, forming simultaneously) and
age (~3 Myr; Hillenbrand et al. 1995, AJ, 109, 280). The
infrared-bright yellowish star further southeast is unidentified.
Image mosaic by S. Van Dyk (IPAC).
These data are included in the Second Incremental Release!