Data Access

IC 417 Catalog Definitions


IC 417 is in the Galactic Plane, and likely part of the Aur OB2 association; it is ~2 kpc away. Stock 8 is one of the densest cluster constituents; off of it to the East, there is a 'Nebulous Stream' (NS) that is dramatic in the infrared (IR). We have assembled a list of literature-identified young stellar objects (YSOs), new candidate YSOs from the NS, and new candidate YSOs from IR excesses. We vetted this list via inspection of the images, spectral energy distributions (SEDs), and color-color/color-magnitude diagrams. We placed the 710 surviving YSOs and candidate YSOs in ranked bins, nearly two-thirds of which have more than 20 points defining their SEDs. The lowest-ranked bins include stars that are confused, or likely carbon stars. There are 503 in the higher-ranked bins; half are SED Class III, and ~40% are SED Class II.

If you use IC 417 data, please cite both the journal article Rebull et al. (2023) and the dataset Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.26131/IRSA557.

Name Intype Units Description
Catalog_number char null Catalog number
ra double deg Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double deg Declination (J2000)
WhyThisStarIsInOurList char null Why this star is in our list
Other_name_Simbad char null Other name from Simbad
J08_Name char null Jose et al. 2008 identifier
J17_Name char null Jose et al. 2017 identifier
J08_Ha_star int null Jose et al. 2008 H{alpha} identified star
J08_OB_star int null Jose et al. 2008 OB identified star
J17_class char null Jose et al. 2017 YSO class
MN16_name char null Marco & Negueruela 2016 identifier
Winston_20_YSO_flag int null Winston et al. 2020 identified YSO
Pandey_20_YSO_flag int null Pandey et al. 2020 identified YSO
Lata_19_name char null Lata et al. 2019 identifier
Lata_19_YSOflag int null Lata et al. 2019 identified YSO
Lata_19_Period_d double d Lata et al. 2019 period
SpTy char null Spectral type from literature
SpTy_src char null Origin of SpType
TMASS_name char null 2MASS catalog identifier
UKIDSS_name char null UKIDSS catalog identifier
GLIMPSE360_name char null GLIMPSE360 catalog identifier
AllWISE_name char null AllWISE catalog identifier
CatWISE_name char null CatWISE catalog identifier
unWISE_name char null unWISE catalog identifier
PanSTARRS_name char null PanSTARRS catalog identifier
IPHAS_name char null IPHAS catalog identifier
Gaia2_ID char null Gaia DR2 catalog identifier
Gaia3_ID char null Gaia DR3 catalog identifier
PACS_names char null Herschel/PACS 70 and/or 160 um catalog identifier
AKARI_name char null AKARI catalog idenifier
MSX_name char null MSX catalog identifier
Nominal_cluster char null Nominal cluster?
NS double null Within NS polygon; see Figure 4 of Rebull et al. (2023)
NS_subcluster double null NS subcluster code
WISE_IRx int null Has WISE IR excess
Final_Rank char null Final qualitative confindence bin
Final_Rank_Order int null Final qualitiative ordering
slope_2_24_um double null Slope fit to 2-24 um SED
SED_class char null SED class from Slope
IR_x_any_band int null Reliable IR excess at any band
AV_JHK_est double null Reddening estimate from JHKs diagram
Chi_i1mi2 double null The {chi} calculated for [I1]-[I2]
Chi_rmHa double null The {chi} calculated for r -H{alpha}
large_IRX_flag int null If there is a large IR excess
JHKX_flag int null If there is an IR excess likely to affect JHKs
HAX_flag int null If there is a likely H{alpha} excess
BlueX_flag int null If there is a likely g-band ( blue ) excess
Npts_SED int null Number of SED points
Umag double mag U band Vega magnitude
Bmag double mag B band Vega magnitude
Vmag double mag V band Vega magnitude
ICmag double mag I_C_ band Vega magnitude
PanGmag double mag PanSTARRS g band AB magnitude
PanGmerr double mag Uncertainty in PANgmag
PanRmag double mag PanSTARRS r band AB magnitude
PanRmerr double mag Uncertainty in PANrmag
PanImag double mag PanSTARRS i band AB magnitude
PanImerr double mag Uncertainty in PANimag
PanZmag double mag PanSTARRS z band AB magnitude
PanZmerr double mag Uncertainty in PANzmag
PanYmag double mag PanSTARRS y band AB magnitude
PanYmerr double mag Uncertainty in PANymag
IPHASRmag double mag IPHAS r band Vega magnitude
IPHASRmerr double mag Uncertainty in IPHASRmag
IPHASImag double mag IPHAS i band Vega magnitude
IPHASImerr double mag Uncertainty in IPHASImag
IPHASHAmag double mag IPHAS H{alpha} band Vega magnitude
IPHASHAmerr double mag Uncertainty in IPHASHAmag
Gaia2_Gmag double mag Gaia DR2 G band Vega magnitude
Gaia2_Gmerr double mag Uncertainty in GAIA2-Gmag
Gaia2_BPmag double mag Gaia DR2 Blue band Vega magnitude
Gaia2_BPmerr double mag Uncertainty in GAIA2-BPmag
Gaia2_RPmag double mag Gaia DR2 Red band Vega magnitude
Gaia2_RPmerr double mag Uncertainty in GAIA2-RPmag
Gaia2_plx double mas Gaia DR2 parallax
Gaia2BJ_dist double pc Gaia DR2 distance; Bailer-Jones et al. (2018)
Gaia2BJ_distup double pc Upper boundary in GAIA2BJ-Dist
Gaia2BJ_distdwn double pc Lower boundary in GAIA2BJ-Dist
Gaia3_Gmag double mag Gaia DR3 G band Vega magnitude
Gaia3_Gmerr double mag Uncertainty in GAIA3-Gmag
Gaia3_BPmag double mag Gaia DR3 Blue band Vega magnitude
Gaia3_BPmerr double mag Uncertainty in GAIA3-BPmag
Gaia3_RPmag double mag Gaia DR3 Red band Vega magnitude
Gaia3_RPmerr double mag Uncertainty in GAIA3-RPmag
Gaia3_plx double mas Gaia DR3 parallax
Gaia3_dist double pc Gaia DR3 distance
Gaia3BJ_dist double pc Gaia DR3 distance; Bailer-Jones et al. (2021)
Gaia3BJ_distup double pc Upper boundary in GAIA3BJ-Dist
Gaia3BJ_distdwn double pc Lower boundary in GAIA3BJ-Dist
Gaia3_RUWE double null Gaia DR3 RUWE value
Jose08Umag double mag Jose et al. 2008 U band Vega magnitude
Jose08Bmag double mag Jose et al. 2008 B band Vega magnitude
Jose08Vmag double mag Jose et al. 2008 V band Vega magnitude
Jose08ICmag double mag Jose et al. 2008 I_C_ band Vega magnitude
Jose17Vmag double mag Jose et al. 2017 V band Vega magnitude
Jose17Vmerr double mag Uncertainty in J17Vmag
Jose17Imag double mag Jose et al. 2017 I band Vega magnitude
Jose17Imerr double mag Uncertainty in J17Imag
MarcosUmag double mag Marco & Negueruela 2016 Stromgren u band magnitude
MarcosUmerr double mag Uncertainty in MN16Sumag
MarcosVmag double mag Marco & Negueruela 2016 Stromgren v band magnitude
MarcosVmerr double mag Uncertainty in MN16Svmag
MarcosBmag double mag Marco & Negueruela 2016 Stromgren b band magnitude
MarcosBmerr double mag Uncertainty in MN16Sbmag
MarcosYmag double mag Marco & Negueruela 2016 Stromgren y band magnitude
MarcosYmerr double mag Uncertainty in MN16Symag
MarcosBETA double mag Marco & Negueruela 2016 Stromgren beta band magnitude
LataUmag double mag Lata et al. 2019 U band Vega magnitude
LataBmag double mag Lata et al. 2019 B band Vega magnitude
LataVmag double mag Lata et al. 2019 V band Vega magnitude
LataImag double mag Lata et al. 2019 I band Vega magnitude
bestJmag double mag Best J band Vega magnitude available
bestJmerr double mag Uncertainty in BESTJmag
bestHmag double mag Best H band Vega magnitude available
bestHmerr double mag Uncertainty in BESTHmag
bestKmag double mag Best K_S_ band Vega magnitude available
bestKmerr double mag Uncertainty in BESTKmag
TMJmag double mag 2MASS J band Vega magnitude
TMJmerr double mag Uncertainty in TMJmag
TMHmag double mag 2MASS H band Vega magnitude
TMHmerr double mag Uncertainty in TMHmag
TMKmag double mag 2MASS K_S_ band Vega magnitude
TMKmerr double mag Uncertainty in TMKmag
UKIDSSJmag double mag UKIDSS J band Vega magnitude
UKIDSSJmerr double mag Uncertainty in UKIDSSJmag
UKIDSSHmag double mag UKIDSS H band Vega magnitude
UKIDSSHmerr double mag Uncertainty in UKIDSSHmag
UKIDSSKmag double mag UKIDSS K_S_ band Vega magnitude
UKIDSSKmerr double mag Uncertainty in UKIDSSKmag
Jose17Jmag double mag Jose et al. 2017 J band Vega magnitude
Jose17Jmerr double mag Uncertainty in J17Jmag
Jose17Hmag double mag Jose et al. 2017 H band Vega magnitude
Jose17Hmerr double mag Uncertainty in J17Hmag
Jose17Kmag double mag Jose et al. 2017 K band Vega magnitude
Jose17Kmerr double mag Uncertainty in J17Kmag
MarcoJmag double mag Marco & Negueruela 2016 J band Vega magnitude
MarcoJmerr double mag Uncertainty in MN16Jmag
MarcoHmag double mag Marco & Negueruela 2016 H band Vega magnitude
MarcoHmerr double mag Uncertainty in MN16Hmag
MarcoKmag double mag Marco & Negueruela 2016 K band Vega magnitude
MarcoKmerr double mag Uncertainty in MN16Kmag
LataJmag double mag Lata et al. 2019 J band Vega magnitude
LataHmag double mag Lata et al. 2019 H band Vega magnitude
LataKmag double mag Lata et al. 2019 K band Vega magnitude
IRAC1mag double mag Best IRAC-1 band Vega magnitude
IRAC1merr double mag Uncertainty in IRAC1mag
IRAC2mag double mag Best IRAC-2 band Vega magnitude
IRAC2merr double mag Uncertainty in IRAC2mag
GLIRAC1mag double mag GLIMPSE360 IRAC-1 band Vega magnitude
GLIRAC1merr double mag Uncertainty in GLIRAC1mag
GLIRAC2mag double mag GLIMPSE360 IRAC-2 band Vega magnitude
GLIRAC2merr double mag Uncertainty in GLIRAC2mag
Jose17IRAC1mag double mag Jose et al. 2017 IRAC-1 band Vega magnitude
Jose17IRAC1merr double mag Uncertainty in J17IRAC1mag
Jose17IRAC2mag double mag Jose et al. 2017 IRAC-2 band Vega magnitude
Jose17IRAC2merr double mag Uncertainty in J17IRAC2mag
WISE1FLIM char null Limit flag of WISE1mag
WISE1mag double mag WISE-1 band Vega magnitude
WISE1merr double mag Uncertainty in WISE1mag
WISE2FLIM char null Limit flag on WISE2mag
WISE2mag double mag WISE-2 band Vega magnitude
WISE2merr double mag Uncertainty in WISE2mag
WISE3FLIM char null Limit flag on WISE3mag
WISE3mag double mag WISE-3 band Vega magnitude
WISE3merr double mag Uncertainty in WISE3mag
WISE4FLIM char null Limit flag on WISE4mag
WISE4mag double mag WISE-4 band Vega magnitude
WISE4merr double mag Uncertainty in WISE4mag
CATWISE1FLIM char null Limit flag on CATWISE1mag
CATWISE1mag double mag CatWISE WISE-1 band Vega magnitude
CATWISE1merr double mag Uncertainty in CATWISE1mag
CATWISE2mag double mag CatWISE WISE-2 band Vega magnitude
CATWISE2merr double mag Uncertainty in CATISE2mag
UNWISE1mag double mag unWISE WISE-1 band Vega magnitude
UNWISE1merr double mag Uncertainty in UNWISE1mag
UNWISE2mag double mag unWISE WISE-2 band Vega magnitude
UNWISE2merr double mag Uncertainty in UNWISE2mag
PACS70flux double Jy Herschel PACS-70 band flux density
PACS70ferr double Jy Uncertainty in PACS70FLUX
PACS160flux double Jy Herschel PACS-160 band flux density
PACS160ferr double Jy Uncertainty in PACS160FLUX
AKARI9flux double Jy AKARI 9 um band flux density
AKARI9ferr double Jy Uncertainty in AKARI9FLUX
AKARI18flux double Jy AKARI 18 um band flux density
AKARI18ferr double Jy Uncertainty in AKARI18FLUX
MSXAflux double Jy MSX A band flux density
MSXAferr double Jy Uncertainty in MSXAFLUX
MSXB1flux double Jy MSX B1 band flux density
MSXB1ferr double Jy Uncertainty in MSXB1FLUX
MSXB2flux double Jy MSX B2 band flux density
MSXB2ferr double Jy Uncertainty in MSXB2FLUX
MSXCflux double Jy MSX C band flux density
MSXCferr double Jy Uncertainty in MSXCFLUX
MSXDflux double Jy MSX D band flux density
MSXDferr double Jy Uncertainty in MSXDFLUX
MSXEflux double Jy MSX E band flux density
MSXEferr double Jy Uncertainty in MSXEFLUX
PathToSED char null Path to SED