Quality Team Report 03/07/07 Source: Lupus AOR ID: IRAC: 0005717248, 0005718016, 0005718272, 0005718528, 0005718784, 0005719040, 0005719552, 0005719808, 0005720576, 0005720832, 0005721088, 0005721344, 0005721600, 0005722112, 0005724416, 0005724672, 0005724928, 0005725184, 0005725440, 0005725696, 0005725952, 0005726208, 0005726464, 0005726976, 0005728768, 0005729024, 0005729280, 0005729536, 0005729792, 0005730048, 0005737984, 0005738240, 0005738496, 0005738752, 0005739008, 0005739264, 0005717504, 0005717760, 0005719296, 0005720064, 0005720320, 0005721856, 0005726720, 0005737472, 0005737728 MIPS: 0005722880, 0005723136, 0005723648, 0005723904, 0005724160, 0005727232, 0005730304, 0005730560, 0005727744, 0005722624, 0005722368, 0005723392, 0005728000, 0005727488, 0005728256, 0005728512 IRAC off-cloud: 0005731072, 0005732096, 0005732352, 0005732608, 0005735680, 0005736704, 0005736960, 0005737216 MIPS off-cloud: 0005734400, 0005734656, 0005734912, 0005735168 Observation Dates: IRAC: 2004-09-03, 2004-09-04 MIPS: 2004-08-23, 2004-08-24 Observing Strategy: IRAC: IRAC mapping, 2 epochs, 2 dithers each, 12s integration per exposure one epoch in HDR mode MIPS: fast scan map, 2 epochs 125" cross-scan, 80" in-scan offset between epochs Processing History (software version): IRAC SSC: S13.2.0 MIPS SSC: S13.2.0 IRAC CC: 2 MIPS CC: 4 IRAC Map1: v11292006 MIPS Map1: v11292006 Map2: 6.6 Comments: Bright Spots + Dark Streaks seen in certain 24 micron BCD frames and were self-flatted out. Significant muxbleed and associated pinstriping, along with column pull-down, from bright stars is present in IRAC bands 1 and 2. Optical banding around bright stars is present in IRAC bands 3 and 4. Latent images from bright sources are not fully removed from the MIPS images. False detections associated with these latent images have been removed from the band-merged source catalog. ### Catalog Statistics ### Lupus I: # Total Number of sources: 410067 (300851 with epoch 3 detections) 2MASS: 64222 15.7% IRAC1: 166075 40.5% IRAC2: 143905 35.1% IRAC3: 65349 15.9% IRAC4: 14971 3.7% MIPS1: 6342 1.5% Number of sources detected in X 2MASS/IRAC/MIPS24 bands: 1 band: 159788 53.1% 2 band: 73569 24.5% 3 band: 41709 13.9% 4 band: 5652 1.9% 5 band: 7542 2.5% 6 band: 5697 1.9% 7 band: 6569 2.2% 8 band: 325 0.1% Sources detected in 3+ bands: 67494 Total IRAC 2MASS: 30227 44.8% 38 0.1% Stars: 30371 45.0% 29945 81.5% YSOc : 20 0.0% 20 0.1% Galc : 337 0.5% 337 0.9% Other: 6539 9.7% 6388 17.4% Lupus III: # Total Number of sources: 480766 (406498 with epoch 3 detections) 2MASS: 102050 21.2% IRAC1: 277504 57.7% IRAC2: 234156 48.7% IRAC3: 78932 16.4% IRAC4: 26169 5.4% MIPS1: 5055 1.1% Number of sources detected in X 2MASS/IRAC/MIPS24 bands: 1 band: 144589 35.6% 2 band: 148394 36.5% 3 band: 69688 17.1% 4 band: 7073 1.7% 5 band: 9504 2.3% 6 band: 10324 2.5% 7 band: 16271 4.0% 8 band: 655 0.2% Sources detected in 3+ bands: 113515 Total IRAC 2MASS: 46465 40.9% 77 0.1% Stars: 56813 50.0% 56006 84.5% YSOc : 79 0.1% 79 0.1% Galc : 299 0.3% 299 0.5% Other: 9859 8.7% 9790 14.8% Lupus IV: # Total Number of sources: 177727 (154580 with epoch 3 detections) 2MASS: 46238 26.0% IRAC1: 94953 53.4% IRAC2: 80137 45.1% IRAC3: 27282 15.4% IRAC4: 9197 5.2% MIPS1: 2168 1.2% Number of sources detected in X 2MASS/IRAC/MIPS24 bands: 1 band: 57546 37.2% 2 band: 49667 32.1% 3 band: 31066 20.1% 4 band: 3329 2.2% 5 band: 4882 3.2% 6 band: 2975 1.9% 7 band: 4907 3.2% 8 band: 208 0.1% Sources detected in 3+ bands: 47367 Total IRAC 2MASS: 22756 48.0% 34 0.1% Stars: 21494 45.4% 21084 87.2% YSOc : 12 0.0% 12 0.0% Galc : 79 0.2% 79 0.3% Other: 3026 6.4% 2975 12.3%