=================================================== S5 Data Release Version 1.0 =================================================== The Spitzer SDSS Statistical Spectroscopic Survey (S5) is a Cycle-5 Spitzer program to acquire 5 to 40 micron mid-infrared spectroscopy of a representative sample of galaxies from SDSS, selected for having prior photometric coverage in the UV and Halpha fluxes greater than 3 x 10^-15 erg/s/cm^2. The full S5 sample includes 292 star-forming galaxies from the SDSS sample. The S5 project is an extension of the SSGSS over a larger set of SDSS sources (292) and narrower redshift range. In addition, the S5 sample was selected without mid-IR prior. For further information concerning the SSGSS please follow the link [http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/SSGSS/] These data represent the first public data release of the full S5 sample. The dataset includes short-low, long-low and short-high IRS spectroscopy for the full sample. Sources have been selected in 48 patches of at least 5 sources spatially separated by less than 30' in order to take advantage of the cluster observing mode of Spitzer. --------------------------------------------------- The characteristics of these data are: Instrument: IRS Modules: SL1, SL2, LL1, LL2, SH Resolution: Low Res: R~57-127 Hi Res: R~600 Exposure time per pointing: Low Res (LL): 2 cycles of 30 sec Low Res (SL): 1 cycle of 60 sec Hi Res (SH) : 2 cycles of 120 sec Observation dates: All observations have been gathered between June 3rd, 2008 and December 11th, 2008 and, between March 3rd, 2009 and April 11th, 2009. --------------------------------------------------- The file sets are named as follows: 1. lores/S5_[XX]_[Y]_lores.fits The concatenated short-low and long-low spectrum for galaxy number [Y] in field [XX]. Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean and channel overlap regions are combined by either a cut or weighted mean. The spectra are stored in fits format in extension 1 and contain structures with the following tags: WAVE: Wavelength in microns FLUX: Flux in Janskys ERROR: Flux Error in Janskys BITFLAG: Bit-flags generated by SPICE. In the case of combined files (all but file set 1), the bit flag of the first position is used ORDERFLAG: 1 for regions in which order overlap occurs, 0 otherwise. CHANNELFLAG: Set to 1, 2, 3, or 4 for channels: SL2, SL1, LL2 and LL1 respectively. For channel overlap regions combined by weighted mean, CHANNELFLAG is set to the mean of the two flags. For example, the long-low right and long-low level combined overlap region is set to 3.5. 2. hires/S5_[XX]_[Y]_hires.fits The short-high spectrum for galaxy number [Y] in field [XX]. Order overlap regions are combined by weighted mean. The spectra are stored in fits format in extension 1 and contain structures with the following tags: ORDER: IRS high-resolution short wavelength module order index WAVELENGTH: Wavelength in microns FLUX: Flux in Janskys ERROR: Flux error in Janskys --------------------------------------------------- Target Informations: Additional target informations from ancillary SDSS optical spectroscopy catalogs is featured in header. In particular we included the following keywords SRCNAME: String providing a SDSS-like source name formatted as S5_Jhhmmss.ss+ddmmss.s where hhmmss.ss and ddmmss.s are the target positions RA and DEC in h:m:s and d:m:s units S5XID: 3 digit S5 specific source ID. The first two digits are the field number [XX]. The last digit is the source number in the field, [Y]. SRCRA: SDSS Right ascension in degrees (double precision) SRCDEC: SDSS Declination in degrees (double precision) REDSHIFT: SDSS Optical spectroscopic redshift (double precision) --------------------------------------------------- These data and the S5 project in general are described in full in: Bertincourt, B. et al. (2011), in prep Further information may also be found at the S5 home page: http://s5.astro.columbia.edu/ Additional information on the data reduction process, including definition of BITFLAG values can be found in the SPICE GUI help tool: http://ssc.spitzer.caltech.edu/postbcd/spice.html =================================================== S5 team contacts:. David Schiminovich (ds@astro.columbia.edu) . Ben Bertincourt (bbertinc@astro.columbia.edu) . Matt O'Dowd (matt@astro.columbia.edu) . Ronin Wu (roninwu@nyu.edu) December 2010