The Spitzer Public Legacy Survey of the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (SpUDS) is a
survey of the ~1 square degree UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS), which is the
largest deep near-infrared (JHK) survey in existence and the first capable of
sampling representative cosmological volumes (100 x 100 Mpc) out to the highest
redshifts (z > 6). This project is a Cycle 4 Spitzer Legacy program that
consists of deep IRAC and 24 micron MIPS observations. DR2 contains four-band
IRAC mosaics, coverage maps, uncertainty and standard deviation images, as well
as MIPS 24 micron mosaics and uncertainty images at the original and subsampled
pixel scales.
If you use SpUDS data, please cite the dataset Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.26131/IRSA403.
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