Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
SPICE User's Guide

A.3    Profile

To run, type:

unix% profile <option flag> <specification>


Where the options are as follows:                   


-i          The name of the input 2D spectrum from which you wish to extract a 1D spectrum.


-b         The mask file associated with the input spectrum.


-fb       Fatal bit pattern for the mask file. Set this to the decimal representation of the fatal bit flags. Pixels with the specified flags will be excluded from the SPICE extraction. See Appendix B for how to calculate the fatal bit pattern. Default value is 18432.


-o         The name of the output table that will hold the wavelength-collapsed average spatial profile for the selected orders. Default value is <input file>.profile.tbl


-q         The name of the output qa file. Default value is <input file>.profile.qa. This file tells you six things about the profile:

·         profMaxFlux - max value of dn for all cuts

·         profLocMaxFlux - location (%) of max dn cut

·         profMaxStdev - max value of stdev for all cuts

·         profLocMaxStdev - location (%) of max stdev cut

·         profMaxRStdev - max value of stdev/dn for all cuts

·         profLocMaxRStdev - location of max stdev/dn cut


-t          The name of the psf_fov calibration table that codes the order to be extracted for each FOVID, the default ridge location, and the extraction aperture width at a fiducial wavelength.


-w        The name of the wavsamp.tbl file. This file specifies the location of the spectral orders on the array in x-y coordinates. It consists of psuedorectangles, which describe the fractional pixels that comprise each wavelength in the spectrum. You should choose the appropriate file in the cal/ subdirectory of your SPICE installation. The file you choose should match both the Spitzer pipeline version with which your data were processed, and the IRS module with which you are working.


-c         The Profile module divides each pseudorectangle into this number of cuts and integrates the signal within each cut. Allowed values are integers between 1 and 2000. We recommend that users keep this at the default value (1000 for SL and LL modules, 200 for SH and LH) adopted by the SPICE GUI.


-m        Size of sliding median. Allowed values are odd integers between 1 and 21. Default value is 7.


-v         Level of verbosity, integer. Default value is 1


-ord      This selects which orders are included in the median-combined profile. The default is to include only the targeted orders in the profile. For hi-res observations, this is all orders, but for lo-res observations it is usually not. You can specify up to 14 comma-separated integers – no spaces, where the lo-res orders are designated as 1, 2 and 3, and the hi-res ones run from 11-20.


-n         Name of a namelist file listing all the input parameters. This can be used instead of specifying all of the flags on the command line. Default is namelist.nl.


The Profile module will generate a profile table of the wavelength-collapsed average spatial profile for the selected orders. Below is a plot of the data in this table. In this particular case, we see two features - a positive one on the left and a negative one on the right. The left peak represents the background-subtracted nod 1 spectrum, while the right-hand dip represents the sky background in the nod 1 image minus the nod 2 spectrum.